Trimethylglycine Powder (TMG)

Trimethylglycine Powder (TMG)

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Trimethylglycine Powder (TMG)

What is Trimethylglycine (TMG)?

Trimethylglycine, commonly abbreviated to TMG, is a trimethyl derivate of the amino acid Glycine.

TMG has been shown to increase power after only 15 days of supplementation, with one study showing a benefit after only 7 days of supplementation! 

Another research study found that supplementing with 2500mg TMG for 15 days, increased the number of repetitions performed with 90% of one repetition maximum (Hoffman et al, 2009). In cyclists, TMG supplementation increased peak power by 6.4% (Czapala, 2010).

In summary, if you’re a sportsperson or are simply looking to increase your performance in the gym, TMG would be a great addition to your supplement arsenal!

Where is TMG found?

Trimethylglycine is naturally occurring and can be found in animals, plants and microorganisms. Examples of dietary sources include seafood, wheat-germ, spinach and quinoa.

Performance Benefits

The main benefit of using a TMG supplement is to increase power, which is of huge benefit to a whole range of sports and anyone looking to improve their performance in the gym. As above, research has proven that supplementing with 2500mg TMG significantly increased power across a number of exercises.

The exact mechanism of action is unknown; however, it has been hypothesised that, as TMG contributes to Creatine synthesis, performance increases are a result of increased Creatine levels.

Health Benefits

Low TMG levels have been shown to correlate with an unfavourable lipid profile. Further research is still needed however, to establish if TMG supplementation improves lipid profile. Other research suggests that Trimethylglycine may help to protect the liver, due to its action as a methyl donor.

TMG is also an osmolyte and may protect cells against damage from environmental stress by increasing water retention in cells.


Czapala, R., Swenson, T. & Craig, S.A.S. (2010) Effect of Betaine on cycling sprint power. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7, 23.

Hoffman, J.R., Ratamess, N.A.,Kang, J., Rashti, S.L. & Faigenbaum, A.D. (2009) Effect of Betaine supplementation on power performance and fatigue. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 6, 7.

Kdy a jak používat


Mix 2/3 scoop (approximately 2.5g) with 50ml water or with a pre-workout drink, ideally on an empty stomach. Consume 30-45 minutes before exercise. 


Combine with Complete All in One™ to increase power. Anecdotal reports also suggest that TMG also stacks well with Creatine - particularly for those who are usually non-responders to Creatine. TMG can also be used in conjunction with other Pre-Workout Supplements.



Vhodné pro

Vegetariánská, veganská, bez GM, bez lepku, bez mléka, bez laktózy, bez sóji




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Vhodné pro

Vegetariánské, veganské, Halal

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