Protein Flat Rolls Recipe

Protein Flat Rolls | BULK POWDERS®


Love bread, but want a healthier alternative to supermarket fodder? Give these Protein Flat Rolls a try, incorporating some of our products, including Pure Whey Protein™, liquid egg whites, coconut flour and flaxseed.


1.) Preheat oven to approx 180 degrees, mix all your ingredients in a bowl until well combined, spoon onto a flat silicone mat making tbsp size plops, pop into oven for approx 20minutes (until golden over the top but soft to the touch).

2.) Leave to cool, then enjoy with your favourite filling or pack in a container and store in the fridge.

3.) I found it tastier the next day! Topped it with extra light soft cheese and cracked black pepper; with that added Mediterranean flavour…delightful!

Recipe yields approximately 8 pieces.


Try the recipe yourself! Post a picture of your creation to FacebookTwitter or Instagram @bulkpowdersie #bprecipes

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