Receta de Magdalenas de Chocolate de Naranja

When you’re not battling mythical creatures with the Victory Spatula, our trusted baker, Hebe, is busy in the kitchen creating recipes like orange chocolate muffins. With over 10g of protein per cupcake, these little treats are packed with qualities for muscle building.


1.) Preheat the oven to 175C. 2.) Pour all the ingredients into a bowl and mix until smooth. Check if it is sweet enough and modify to your liking. Pour the mixture into 5 silicone molds and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool. 3.) Meanwhile, make the frosting. In a small bowl, melt the coconut oil. Add the Isolated Beef Protein ™ and the MPP (or peanut meal). Add a teaspoon of Greek yogurt and stir to form a smooth paste. To harden it a little, you can put it in the fridge. Finally spread on the muffins once cold.


Try the recipe yourself. Post a photo of your creation on Facebook , Twitter or Instagram @bulkpowders_es #bprecetas

Tags: Muffins , Hebe Burton

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