There are so many myths about pre-workout meals. From fuel-ups to fasting, everyone has their own idea about what to eat before a workout. So…
Stephanie Yates's Articles
Growing at a rapid rate, vegan diets are becoming more mainstream than ever before. 2020 was a record-breaking year for veganism as its popularity soared…
What is Glutamine? Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your muscles, accounting for over 60% of skeletal muscle tissue. It’s a ‘non-essential’ amino…
Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or an exercise newbie, it’s likely you’ll have experienced some degree of muscle soreness after a tough training session. Read…
Almost all of us have a shared goal of improving our health, to feel our best – both physically and mentally. Taking care of ourselves…
As the seasons come and go, we experience changes in the weather, nature and the type of produce that grows. Seasonal eating involves eating foods…