The clocks have gone back and Halloween has most surely brought a scare to a lot of us – most probably due to the unexpected weight gain from all the sweets, but still. This October, BULK POWDERS™ have launched some frighteningly good products to add to the range which will be sure to interest some of you.
Brand new to BULK POWDERS™
New Additions
Due to the popularity of our Natural Pure Whey Protein™, we decided to bring a very similar release but instead using 100% of the highest quality Whey Protein Isolate. Natural Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 is made up of entirely natural ingredients, including natural stevia, natural colourings, and natural flavourings – it really is… well… natural. Two great flavours have been developed which live up to our high expectations. As mentioned, we use 100% Whey Protein Isolate which has no added fillers so you will be sure to get the best protein availability possible.
When the product team sat down to develop a high protein formula for our vegan customers, they analysed the market to see how they could come up with a) the best formula to meet nutritional demands and b) the best tasting vegan shake around! With positive feedback from the famous TV cook, Lorraine Pascale, BULK POWDERS™ Complete Vegan Blend™ has taken the market by storm. Although not everybody’s ‘cup of tea’, those who are used to the common profile of dry dirt will be in for a real treat with this. This is also the very first product to use a blend of Pea Protein, Brown Rice Protein and Quinoa Flour, and really is the perfect blend for all vegans, particularly for those looking to avoid soy.
Another one of October’s launches, and the start of BULK POWDERS™ range of organic products, is the Organic Raw Cacao Nibs. These can be used in so many different recipes, are the perfect addition to many foods and provide a unique flavour and texture. Try them in anything from your morning porridge, to mixed salads or smoothies!
Keep your eyes peeled…
We hope that our recent launches are doing exactly what we set out to do, which is; catering for a number of different target groups, whether it is vegan customers, or someone wanting totally natural ingredients with no artificial additives. We also want to send a message to all our customers that we are aiming to continue to bring out the very best tasting flavours and well-constructed formulas, with no hidden nasties. Whether it is supporting overall performance or general health and wellbeing, we will hopefully have a product for these needs. Keep checking our New Products section on the homepage, and our Twitter and Facebook pages to see our weekly releases!