BULK POWDERS™ are delighted to announce their partnership with Santa Claus. They will be sole supplier of sports supplements and vitamins to the North Pole Not For Profit.
“We are really excited,” said Adam Rossiter, Managing Director at BULK POWDERS™. “When we took the call from their Head of Elf & Wellness, I just burst into tears.”
The deal has resulted in a major piece of re-engineering for the Colchester based sports nutrition brand. Although not initially familiar with the ERP update, they have now mastered the difficult process of “built to wish”.
Santa Claus is impressed. “We had a real problem. So many letters from boys wanting to be awesome like Arnie and we couldn’t really deliver against that. So we got out in the real world to look for someone who could make the magic of mass gain and recovery really happen.”
Finding the right partner wasn’t easy. “We called around a lot of companies but most of them just put the phone down on us,” relates Mr Claus. “There are a lot of greedy bad people in this industry. We wanted someone clean (ideally like BULK POWDERS™ Informed Sport Accredited). But we also wanted someone who believed in the magic of Christmas.”
The terms of the deal remain highly confidential. That said, the deal guarantees exclusivity to BULK POWDERS™. That means if anyone shows up on Christmas Eve with some expensive imitation, you can bet that it’s not from the real Santa.
BULK POWDERS™ is one of the largest direct only sports nutrition companies. The Colchester based company manufactures a wide range of supplements targeting all the key fitness goals. Any media enquiries should be directed to Katie.Hall@bulkpowders.com
About Santa Claus
Santa Claus is the largest not for profit in the Northern Hemisphere. He can be contacted by writing on a piece of paper and burning it in a fireplace.