Bulk™ Soil Association Approved Products

Soil Association approved supplements

Who are the Soil Association?

The Soil Association are one of the leading organic certification bodies in the UK.

Founded in 1946 by a group of scientists, farmers and nutritionists, the Soil Association was built on a layer of foundations – to observe the connections from farming, to manufacturing to finished product – to ensure environmental, animal and human health.

More recently the Soil Association has become the UK’s leading membership charity for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use.

In the current age of climate change and a growing world population, current food and farming systems are not a permanent solution. The Soil Association ensure that organic systems are in place to secure a durable and humane solution to some of these challenges.

“We help provide solutions that help people to live, eat, farm and grow with the resources that are available. We want to pioneer new solutions to tackle climate change, support biodiversity, improve animal welfare and champion fairness.

Good food, the best food, is organically grown, minimally processed, fairly traded, fresh and seasonal. And this food should be a right, not a privilege: we want to make sure everyone has access to food that is healthy for them and the planet.”

Why BULK POWDERS™ and the Soil Association?

Here at BULK POWDERS™, we take the quality of ingredients very seriously. When choosing an organic accreditor, we wanted to ensure the certifier also reflected this. The Soil Association are passionate about organic products, the quality, and source of products. This is why they are the perfect fit.

From the Soil Association’s history, you can see they take care examining each and every stage of the chain, from farming to finished product. With this in mind, we were keen to join forces with them. We believe it will demonstrate the high quality processes we have in place for processing these ingredients ourselves.

From receiving the ingredients -> to production -> to packaging -> to labelling -> to storage -> despatch. Every single stage is closely inspected by the Soil Association during initial and yearly inspections.

In addition to the Soil Association’s strong regulatory status, they already certify a wide range of products in the UK. Over 70% of all organic products sold in the UK are Soil Association approved. This helps to re-assure you, the customer, that the products are of high quality and 100% organic.

BULK POWDERS™ products Soil Association approved as organic

Recently we have launched a number of different and exciting products which meet the Soil Association standard.

All of these organic products are of exceptional quality at the lowest prices in the UK. We will endeavour to grow the range, to bring you even more Soil Association approved organic products. So watch this space!

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