Some say she hasn’t been seen since Sunday, the rumoured result of a self-induced food coma. Others say she promised to take a Snapchat hiatus but gave up after 5 minutes. All we know is, she’s called The Muscle Baker, and she makes soft, warm, delicious protein cookies that leave you wanting more. Fire up the oven, let’s get started.
1. Preheat oven to 160 Degrees C.
2. To prepare the chocolate hazelnut stuffing, mix the ingredients in a bowl in no particular order and set aside.
3. For the cookie mix, add hazelnut butter to the bowl and stir in Choc Shot, followed by VitaFiber™ Powder and mix thoroughly until well combined.
4. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and use your hands to massage the dough together.
5. Lay down some greaseproof paper or a silicone sheet on your worktop and also line a tray with greaseproof paper. Begin by flattening down balls of dough onto sheet then making round shapes with cookie cutter and removing excess dough (add that back to mix in bowl).
6. Transfer the cookie bases to lined tray, leaving enough room between each as they will expand when baking.
7. Grab your homemade chocolate hazelnut spread and with a teaspoon, add dollops to the centre, then repeat the same process for the top cover of the cookie. Press together edges with fingers when done.
8. Repeat process until all mix has been used (you may need a couple of trays).
9. Bake for approximately 10 – 15 minutes until golden over but slightly soft in centre.
10. Remove from oven and leave to cool completely.
The best thing about these cookies is that you can mix and match the flavours, make them peanut butter stuffed or flavoured, or even add some naughty spreads to the centre. We made some once with Bourbon biscuit centre and they were just ridiculously good! Alternatively, omit the stuffed centre and make plain cookies instead!
Recipe yields 12 cookies.
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Try the recipe yourself! Post a picture of your creation to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @bulkpowders #bulkbakes