There is so much information on the Internet about weight loss. In fact, there’s so much that it’s almost impossible to differentiate fact from fiction, meaning that many people can end up following the wrong advice. There a number of common weight loss myths that people may believe.
How to Lose Weight
The basic principle of losing weight is actually very simple. You have to consume fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. This means your body must be in an overall calorie deficit and then you will lose weight.
It is important to consider that the weight you lose could be in the form of fat or muscle, so you need to wary of your weight loss goal and have a complete understanding of what you are trying to achieve.
If you are trying to lose weight, but not muscle, then make sure to keep your protein intake high to preserve muscle mass.
Weight Loss Myths
1) Following Fad Diets
Dieting is a popular method of weight loss. The aim of dieting is to restrict the number of calories you consume to make sure you are in a calorie deficit. There are a number of diets recommended by a variety of sources and some of these ‘recommended’ diets might be fad diets.
A fad diet promises quick weight loss through what is usually an unhealthy or unbalanced diet. Fad diets are often targeted at people who want to lose weight quickly without having to do any additional exercise. Many fad diets claim they lead to you losing fat, but a lot of the weight you lose is actually water.1
Many fad diets are extremely restricting in terms of the foods you can eat and this could make them difficult to stick to on a long-term basis. Some fad diets are even potentially harmful for your health, meaning you should to be wary. For example, some diets may severely restrict your calorie intake and eating too few calories can actually be harmful for the body.
If you severely restrict your calories than your body will go into starvation mode, which will lead to your metabolism slowing down and this will make it more difficult for you to burn fat. This is not a healthy state for the body to be in.
So, how do you identify a fad diet? If a diet promises quick weight loss and seems too good to be true then it probably is. If you have any doubts about a diet and whether it will be effective then consult your doctor.
2) Setting Unrealistic Goals
Some people want to lose weight quickly. This means they often set unrealistic goals to help them lose weight in the shortest amount of time possible. The problem with this is that in the long term it is difficult to keep to such unrealistic weight loss plans. There is a difference between just losing weight and sustainable weight loss.
Today’s world is all about quick wins, but when it comes to losing weight the most important thing to do is set realistic, healthy goals that you can achieve and this will take time. ‘Realistic goals’ does not mean making it easy for yourself, as this will not help in the long run either, but if you get the balance right then you will be able to make progress with your fitness.
3) Not Being Wary of Cheat Meals
You have probably heard of the term ‘cheat meal’. A cheat meal refers to eating foods that are not part of your diet plan, typically including junk food, which are high in calories. Cheat meals are often seen as a reward for sticking to a diet plan for a sustained period of time.
However, unless you are particularly strict with yourself, cheat meals can turn into cheat days and suddenly your calorie intake could increase and negatively affect your training.
Cheat meals should be treated as an occasional indulgence and should not become a habit.
4) Trying To Lose Weight From One Body Part
When it comes to losing weight it is often the case that there is a particular body part that someone is unhappy with. They may want to lose weight from their stomach, legs or another specific body part. This may then lead to them targeting all their training efforts at one particular body part in the hope that this will lead to them burning fat in that area.
For example, if weight loss on your stomach is the ultimate aim of your training then you may think doing endless abdominal crunches is the way to go to lose belly fat and gain a flat, toned stomach.
The truth is that you cannot lose fat from just one body part. To instigate weight loss it is a good idea to focus on burning more energy than you are consuming, resulting in being in an overall calorie deficit.
Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss
To lose weight the most important thing is to be in a calorie deficit. You should do this by training and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Hopefully, after reading about some of the common weight loss myths listed above, you have a better understanding of how to go about losing weight healthily. Try and make sure that you are approaching weight loss with a long-term focus, as this will lead to more sustainable weight loss.
About the Author
Alex Genzel is passionate about health and fitness having been involved in a number of competitive sports from an early age. He has been writing about sports nutrition and training for a number of years, alongside pursuing his passion for bodybuilding and desire to become a certified personal trainer. As well as writing for BULK POWDERS® Alex also has his own blog where he shares his training experiences and advice on supplements.