Can you introduce yourself and your role as Product Director at BULK POWDERS™?
I’ve led the new product development at BULK POWDERS™ for three and a half years. My main responsibilities encompass anything to do with the technical side, from product formulations to price negotiations, product write ups to legislation.
What is your favourite part of your job?
It’s very rewarding when we launch a new product and we get excellent feedback on the formulas, taste and effectiveness of a product. It’s difficult to beat that!
What sport/activity are you into?
I’ve competed in several powerlifting competitions – I came 2nd in the British Deadlifts and have won my class at several regional competitions. My best lifts are: Squat – 200kg; Bench – 152.5kg; Deadlift – 272.5kg (all at 90kg bodyweight).
When did you start getting involved with James DeGale’s preparation?
I’ve worked with James for just over 4 years. I’m involved in his preparation year around, but it’s the last 8 weeks that makes the real difference. The main objective is to help him make weight as effectively as possible – the main area of focus is recovery.
What does it entail?
As I’ve worked with James for so long, it’s quite a simple process. I have targets/check-points of where I’d like him to be weight wise – if he’s not at those targets, then it needs to be addressed. James trains hard and is fully dedicated – as such, most of these check-points we don’t even discuss: he weighs himself, his trainer Jim McDonnell and I are happy and we move on.
Food diaries are an important tool to monitor exactly what James is eating.
Did you go to Boston and how was the atmosphere before, during and after the big fight?
I arrived in Boston three days before the fight. It was a great atmosphere; from the press conference, weigh-in and fight itself James’ home support was very well represented. There was a lot of interest from UK journalists and James was constantly in interviews in the lead up to the fight.
During the fight, James got great support. Of course, there were the standard chants of “USA, USA, USA” from the Americans but they were always met with “Chunky, Chunky, Chunky!”
After the fight it was party time – we all went back to the hotel and there was around 100-150 of us celebrating. Everyone was in a fantastic mood and James was inundated with photo requests with him and his newly acquired IBF world championship belt.
Who is your sport hero (if you have any)?
I wouldn’t say I have a sporting hero. Boxing wise, I loved watching Nigel Benn – he was always in entertaining fights.
Anything exciting you can tell regarding new products for BULK POWDERS™?
We’re always researching, formulating and tasting. Last year, we launched over 90 different products and we plan on a similar amount this year. This will be across all of our ranges, so there will be something for everyone.