Elevate™ voted ‘Best Overall Pre-Workout’ by Men’s Health

There’s nothing like a bit of healthy competition. And when it comes to sports nutrition brands, we take that literally. 

In a recent product trial featuring Bulk™ and a number of our competitors, Men’s Health magazine picked their choices for ‘The Best Pre-Workouts To Buy In 2022’. This involved assigning pre-workouts into different categories such as ‘Best Evening Pre-Workout’, ‘Best For Chocolate Lovers’ and ‘Best For A Caffeine Hit’. But there was one accolade that towered above others – ‘Best Overall’

This was awarded to the most complete pre-workout that offers the best overall experience, including taste, texture, ease of use and, most crucially, its effectiveness on gym performance.

Our very own Elevate™ Pre-Workout.

What did Men’s Health say about Elevate™ Pre-Workout?

“Give your AM reps a fighting chance with Bulk’s™ ultimate pre-workout formula. Fruity and sweet, its strong mix of ingredients include an optimal dose of vitamin B6 to see off those sluggish mornings. The caffeine gave our testers a noticeable energy boost and they found the light berry flavour enjoyable and refreshing.”

Best Overall Pre-Workout

We created Elevate™ Pre-Workout with one goal – to produce the best pre-workout money can buy. And that’s what we did. Containing 11 potent pre-workout ingredients, including Vitargo® and BioPerine®, all lab tested and elite-athlete approved. Each of these is dosed at optimal levels, so you know exactly how you’re fuelling your body.

elevate pre-workout

What does Men’s Health Lab Approved mean?

This judgement was made by experts in the Hearst lab, all of whom have vast experience judging different pre-workouts on not only their effectiveness, but the fine details such as texture and mixability. 

Men’s Health said, “We recruited a panel of fitness enthusiasts to put a range of market-leading products to the test. 

This involved trialling them over a period of four weeks, before rating them based on a variety of factors including taste, texture, clarity of instructions, ease of use and, of course, their impact on energy and performance in the gym.”

To win ‘Best Overall Pre-Workout’ in a competitive market is something we’re incredibly proud of. Producing high-performing, high-quality products, that our customers love, is what we strive for. So it’s safe to say, we’re pretty happy.



Best Caffeine-Free Pre-Workout

As well as landing the big prize, we also got awarded ‘Best Caffeine-Free Pre-Workout’.

This was for our Pre-Workout™ Caffeine Free

Our Pre-Workout™ Caffeine Free is formulated to provide everything you need to kickstart your training session, with zero caffeine or stimulants. Each serving provides optimal doses of key nutrients to support you through your workout session, combining to create the ideal caffeine-free pre-workout drink.

caffeine free pre-workout

What did Men’s Health say about Pre-Workout™ Caffeine Free?

“If you’re concerned about the caffeine content of your pre-workout, Bulk’s™ caffeine-free pre-workout is a safer bet. Offering similar benefits to conventional pre-workout supplements, this contains 5g BCAAs and 3g of creatine monohydrate.”

We believe in sharing, and we’d love to know what you think, so don’t forget to tag us in your creations using Bulk™ products. Check out @bulk for more recipes, ambassador workouts and tips. Join our community of fitness lovers and foodies by tagging #TeamBulk. 

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Be sure to check out our Dope Pre-Workout — now the most effective formula we’ve ever created.

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