Fresh out of The Muscle Bakery fridge, comes this glorious Dairy Free Protein Fudge. Little bitesize chunks of sunshine, containing some of our Peanut Butter, VitaFiber™ and HydroBEEF™, and only 61 calories per mouthful!
1.) In a pan, bring your Waldens Pancake Syrup to the boil, then add the VitaFiber™ powder and whisk immediately (or else it will harden). Once all the powder is dissolved allow to boil again.
2.) Immediately mix the peanut butter until all mixed thoroughly, followed by Beef Protein Isolate 97 (HydroBEEF™)
3.) Press into a silicone mould of choice or onto greaseproof paper and place in fridge for a couple of hours, until sold enough to cut up.
4.) They were particularly good with Greek yoghurt and banana, but they are so versatile you can enjoy them with pretty much anything!
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