Because who doesn’t want to fight to the death for their BULK POWDERS® Peanut Butter?
We’re kidding.
But we do have a competition for you, this year at BodyPower we will be introducing the BULK POWDERS® Hungry Games.
The challenge is simple, find our Hungry Games tokens hidden all around BodyPower, grab them quick and return them to Q60 District 19 (aka Stand Q60 Hall 19) to claim your prize/live a life of victory.
We’re keeping the prizes a mystery for now because who doesn’t love a surprise.
We will tell you this much though, they will be delicious!
Any last advice?
Stay alive.
We’re kidding. Again.
If you want to stay ahead of the game, tune in to our social for clues and teasers.
Want an edge on your competitors? Come to our stand before you get hunting to try our new PRO SERIES™ ELEVATE™ ZERO – a low carb and low sugar pre-workout.
May the odds be ever in your flavour.
#BULKPOWDERS #Hungrygames