Introducing the BULK POWDERS™ 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge
It might not be something that the majority of our customers think about, but for women, having a baby is an experience that changes your body – and doesn’t always give it back.
With celebrities who seem to lose baby weight as soon as they give birth (it may come as a surprise for you to know that tummy tucks aren’t actually a routine part of giving birth…), pressure will be on the worlds most famous new mother, Kate Middleton the Duchess of Cambridge, to fit back into her skinny jeans just weeks after giving birth. Although she may have appeared outside the hospital proudly displaying her baby bulge, Kate Middleton will no doubt be working hard to get her slim figure back. Kate – if you’re struggling, we invite you to take part in the BULK POWDERS™ 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge!
Losing baby weight safely
As many of already know, there are no ‘quick fixes’ or ‘miracle diets’ that will give you long term success to a better body. But when it comes to losing baby weight it is important that getting fit is a safe process. After suffering a trauma like giving birth a post-pregnancy body needs time to recover, and it is recommended that waiting for six weeks (or two months for nursing mothers) is a healthy time to get your fitness routine back on track. Starting too soon after giving birth can delay recovery and make new mothers feel more fatigued than they already are. Plus it can affect the milk supply of breastfeeding mothers.
But if you (or someone you know) dread your ‘mummy tummy’ and are eager to take control back of your body now you are no longer pregnant and get back into shape with long term success, you could join Mummy blogger Lorraine with the BULK POWDERS™ 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
Introducing Lorraine from who is participating in the challenge
Lorraine is a mum to two young children and has decided to take control of her lifestyle and get back her pre-baby body. We will be supporting Lorraine throughout her challenge – in which she aims to lose weight, tone up and feel healthier.
To help Lorraine achieve her goals, she will be taking BULK POWDERS™ Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 (Chocolate flavour) and CLA Softgels (1000mg).
Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 is an ideal supplement to use if you’re looking at strictly controlling calorie intake and want only the highest quality protein available. It is the best value whey protein isolate in Europe and has less than 1g of fat and carbohydrate per serving.
If, like Lorraine, you’re targeting your stomach region, CLA softgels are a great fat loss formulae. By supplementing your diet with CLA the body effectively diverts calories that are usually stored as fat cells towards the muscle cells.
Lorraine has bravely shared with us her before pictures (top of article), and we will be keeping our beady eyes on her progress over the course of a month to see how she fares in her challenge. At the end of the month we hope to be able to share with you her inspirational journey to a yummy-mummy.
We can’t wait to see your progress Lorraine…. good luck!
You can also follow Lorraine’s progress on her blog: