Customers are rightly suspicious of branding. It smells of self-absorption, marketing for marketing’s sake and begs the question “so what was broke?”. Well, we don’t accept any of these charges. We are really pleased with our new branding.
First of all a brand is not a graphic or a font. A brand is the collective experience of our customers. Of great products and great workouts, phones being answered promptly and vans in front of your house at the right time. And problems getting fixed. And that’s a brand we are already really proud to present to the world.
Secondly, we needed to do a big piece of work on the site in any case. We needed our site to work seamlessly across devices. PC, mobile, tablet. Our old site was pretty hard work if you weren’t on a PC or lap-top. And now it’s as good as anyone’s.
Thirdly, we were conscious that our site looked a little dated and this was impacting new customers’ perceptions. We are cheap. But that’s no reason to look cheap.
Fourthly, there was a genuine branding issue. You may have heard it yourselves on social media. There are people out there who cannot discriminate ourselves from MyPr*tein. People think we are the same company. And we are so different in so many ways that we cannot risk any further brand contamination.
The last point is the most important. We are so competitive. And we could not bear not having the best website!
Your Protein
So what did we do? We went down to the gym. We spent hours with people literally dripping their sweat onto our designs. And we kept going back until we had something that looked right. And once we got to that point we got the designers in. But it’s fundamentally your design.
You may find this completely irrelevant. We hope not. We think you’ll like the new designs, the new branding element.
Because we, like you, think detail matters.