You may have noticed that on the back of the re-brand, we’ve been moving some of the products around, changing names.
Why Change the Names?
It may come as no surprise to you that one of the issues of our success has been the communicability of our products and categories. So while word of mouth is great it didn’t help when people recommended things like “BULK POWDERS™ whey protein”. And we ended up with a lot of calls. So we’ve tried to make it much clearer which product is which. More importantly, we wanted our core products to appear less generic. Our whey proteins are extremely high quality (as good as if not better than anything on the market) and so we think they deserve their own name.
What does that mean?
Whey Protein Concentrate 82% – now Pure Whey Protein™
Whey Protein Isolate 90% – now Pure Whey Protein Isolate™ 90
Whey Protein Isolate 97% – now Pure Whey Protein Isolate™ 97
The products themselves are exactly the same. No change has been made to the ingredients or flavours.
New Categories
As part of the same process we have revisited the naming of the categories. Whereas we used to have the BULK POWDERS™ range, which described the basic ingredient led products this was becoming unsustainable as a way of describing a particular group of products. The basic range is now therefore PURE™. We looked at “Basic” and “Core” as alternatives but they failed to convey the quality of the products. They are high quality and often the most expensive ones to source. And so we now call them PURE™.
We have always used the term COMPLETE™ to describe our blends. We have now decided to extend its meaning. A COMPLETE™ product is not so much ingredient led; it’s a solution to a problem or goal. So from a customer’s point of view it provides simplicity (especially where a customer does not necessarily understand) and for everyone else it provides convenience.
As part of this change we have moved (and renamed) a number of products from the old PRO range. These include:
T-Surge – now Complete T-Booster™
Super Vits – now Complete Multivitamin Complex™
Thermol – now Complete Thermogenic™ + Complete Thermogenic Stimulant Free™
Joint Restore – now Complete Joint Restore™
Additionally we have renamed BULK Foods as ACTIVE FOODS™. We think it sounds more appetising!
With all these changes, you might be thinking “smoke and mirrors”. What are they up to? Well, we are happy to tell you that no products have been changed. The quantities and ingredients remain the same. But in the case of our PURE Whey Protein™ we have actually lowered our prices. They are officially the lowest online. And we’re standing by that!