We caught up with our athlete, Gabriel Sey, to ask him about the most common gym mistakes to avoid.
This is what he had to say:
Mistake # 1
Lack of focus & control when lifting weight.
A lot of people let their ego get the best of them and form goes out the window. Knowing what muscles you need to recruit for a certain movement is key! In your first few years of lifting (in fact your whole time lifting) you need to be focusing on that mind-muscle connection and getting things done right!
Mistake # 2
Trying to cheat yourself & then trying to justify it.
If you’re meant to be doing 45 minutes cardio and you do 40, you’re taking shortcuts…you continue to cheat yourself, and cheat yourself, and cheat yourself and it builds up…it’s a bad habit to get into. Don’t do it!
Mistake # 3
Not timing your rest periods.
On a basic level, your rest period should not be 5-10 minutes! Set a realistic rest period – aim for between 1 minute – 1m 30 seconds. When you get into the gym environment, rid yourself of distractions and maintain consistency between sets and exercises. Don’t get distracted, otherwise not only will your training take longer, but it will also be less efficient – meaning you’re getting less bang for you buck!
Check out Gabriel’s previous video, Top 4 Tips for Building a Strong Back