Want to know how to make the most of your physique to get the attention of the lifting ladies? Be warned… there’s a fine line. Here’s how to get it right!
Confidence, not arrogance.
Guys who train hard know they look good, but it’s a genuinely attractive look built by hard work and a strong work ethic. That translates into an attractive confidence which is hard for any woman to ignore – inside or outside of the gym.
Good looks?
You want a girlfriend who looks good? You’ll find her at the gym. If you meet your partner at the gym, it’s also highly likely that their priorities will include training and eating well (and they’ll have a big appetite!)
The perfect ice breaker.
If you meet a girl at the gym, you already know you have plenty in common and you can make a fair guess at her interests outside of the weights room too. Plenty of common ground to use as gentle banter.
Strong glutes…need we say any more?
It’s a fair assumption that most of the women in the weights area of the gym find muscular guys attractive. They probably admire the work ethic of a bodybuilder, and there’s a fair chance that they prioritise their own healthy eating. So far, so good. But don’t assume that just because a girl is in the gym 5 nights a week, she’s single. And even if she is, that doesn’t mean she’s automatically going to fall at your feet at the first sight of a bicep.
If you’ve seen a girl at the gym, you’re pretty sure she’s single (and straight), and you fancy your chances, here’s how to not screw it up.
Don’t stare.
Nobody wants to be “that guy” who spends 5 minutes between each set just gazing at women. It’s off putting at best and uncomfortable at worst. And, yes, she can feel your eyes burning into her back….
Take a compliment.
If a girl compliments you on your physique, accept the compliment (and use it as an ice-breaker) but don’t get cocky or arrogant. Humble, funny and confident is the combination you’re aiming for here.
Pick your moment.
Any women who takes her training seriously won’t want to strike up a lengthy conversation during a rest period, no matter how much she might like you. Keep it short and sweet, make eye contact and smile, and keep the banter for before or after her workout session.
Don’t be a hero.
Don’t add weight to the bar just because your crush has walked in. Women aren’t impressed by huge weight, unless it’s being moved with great form.
Grunt etiquette.
To grunt or not to grunt? This is a tricky one. Authentic, hard-work noises won’t put any woman off (in fact, some might find it attractive!) But forced, attention-seeking grunts, shouts and crashing weights will get her attention… for the wrong reasons.
Dress to impress.
Dress to impress… but only on your first date. Don’t be a try-hard at the gym. Just wear whatever you need to wear in order to train hard. Gym-loving women appreciate a guy who is there to work hard. She can check out your fashion sense when you take her out!
Good luck guys! Don’t forget to ask her whether she’s dieting or having a cheat day when you’re planning the first date!
Have you dated a women from your gym? How did it work out? We’d love to hear your stories – good or bad!
About the Author:
Nicola Joyce has been writing for (and about) sport, fitness, nutrition and healthy living since 2004. She’s also a keen sportswoman: her background is in endurance sport but she now competes as a natural bodybuilder, most recently winning a world title with the INBF. When she’s not writing content, she can be found blogging at thefitwriter.wordpress.com. Follow her on Facebook & Twitter (@thefitwriter) too.