When she’s not in the forests of Nottingham stealing macros from the rich to give to the poor, Chef Hebe can be found labouring in the BULK POWDERS™ kitchen, concocting the kind of recipes that make your face go ‘Ooooooo’. This is a delicious Chocolate Cupcakes & Chocolate Icing recipe, combining our popular Beef Protein Isolate with a number of ingredients including: Quinoa and Coconut Flour.
1.) Preheat the oven to 180C.
2.) Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, stir well and blend until smooth.
3.) Divide between three or four silicone cases and bake for 20-25 minutes.
4.) Meanwhile, make the icing. Add the cocoa, peanut flour and water and mix to a thinnish paste. Microwave for 30 seconds, stirring in-between. Add the icing sugar if using, and the Beef Protein Isolate. Stir until smooth. Microwave for another 30 seconds, stirring in-between.
5.) Stir in the salt and leave to cool and thicken up. Stick in the freezer for speed. Note: at this point you can also add a blob of coconut milk yoghurt, greek yoghurt or cream cheese if you wish.
Get Baking!
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