As mother’s day is around the corner, I thought I would write a blog all about MUMS!
Most mums find it hard to maintain a balance with life and work, let alone exercise. It can be hard to fit in the gym, or go for a jog when you have a baby or children who need your full attention all day long. But there are ways to get around a busy schedule as a parent!
First of all, a little bit about me. Although I’m not a parent yet, my mum Alison is my biggest inspiration. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am today. We spend a lot of time together, and rather than going out for a bite to eat, we go and workout. Yes we have a chin wag and a chat every time we train, but it’s those moments that bring us together. My mum now at 54 has just finished 2 months travelling around India with her boyfriend Chris, they are living the dream! She goes walking and climbing, whereas I stick to bodybuilding in the weights room!
I’ve spoken to many parents over the last 4 weeks gathering their thoughts. There are so many ways to keep fit and healthy, so here are my 7 top tips to overcome common barriers faced being a mum.
Time – Get up earlier! Although time is precious and we would all love a little longer in bed in the morning, getting up an hour before you normally do is a great way to start your day, get your metabolism firing and get your workout done and dusted! There are lots of 24/7 gyms open which is certainly something to look into if you don’t fancy a morning run in the fresh air.
Too busy to eat – If you don’t have much time to sit down and eat a proper meal, grab a Protein Bar or a scoop of Complete Protein Blend and a piece of fruit for a convenient and healthy snack during your busy day.
Home workouts – Many people think they have to go to the gym to workout. Throw some sweats on and do some body weighted exercises in your living room while watching the kids. Sit ups, press ups, triceps dips on the stairs, step ups, planks etc. are great simple exercises you can do at home with no equipment. They will get your heart rate high and burn some fat without having to get a childminder.
School run – It’s called the school run for a reason right? Get your trainers on with the kids and get the whole family active. Walking to and from school safely isn’t just good for your health – it will benefit your children too. It can also be a great way to bond and get to know what the kids have been up to at their busy day in education!
Age is just a number – So many people blame age as to why they don’t exercise. My 90 year old nana Doreen still goes to her keep fit class every Tuesday and loves a natter with her friends. First, find something you enjoy and your body is capable of. Walking your beloved dog, dancing to music – there is a way to work out for everyone, any age.
Love yourself! – The last thing you want to do is pin up a picture of Jennifer Lopez next to your mirror. Set a realistic goal, and work day by day towards it. Whether it’s getting fit enough to walk up mountains like my mum, or just to be more body confident by eating better and exercising more. Believe in yourself.
Here’s to all fit mums out there…
About the Author
Rachael is one of our sponsored athletes – a dedicated competitor within natural figure, a personal trainer and sports scientist. When she’s not writing, she’s winning trophies, and when she’s not winning trophies she’s doing her bit to encourage more women to lift.