Christie, of Christie’s lifestyle, received a baking bundle containing a selection of our Pure Whey Protein™ flavours, as well as our popular and versatile Liquid Egg Whites. Christie worked her magic in the kitchen to make these incredible Lemon Meringue Protein Cupcakes.
Here’s how she made them…
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celcius and grease a muffin tin with a little bit of coconut oil on a tissue. Alternatively you can use paper cases as I have below.
Mix the protein powder and baking powder then add the egg whites and yoghurt. Mix well until you get a smooth consistency.
Spoon the batter into your muffin tins and bake for around 15 minutes until golden.
Top with protein meringues (recipe below)
For the meringues I simply whisked a cup of the liquid egg whites with an electric whisk until they formed stiff peaks. I then folded in half a packet of the lemon meringue protein powder sample.
The mixture smelt delicious, I then popped a dollop of this onto a baking tray and put in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for around half an hour until the mixture hardened into a meringue texture. I noticed that the meringues were tinted yellow, I think this is due to the protein powder. These were not like your conventional sugary meringue but tasted like a great alternative and went really well topped with the muffin and gave it that little bit of sweetness. You could even crumble the muffin and the meringue into a bowl of fat free yoghurt for a really tasty healthy treat.
If you’re interested in cooking with whey and trying some recipes yourself, why not give these Lemon Meringue Protein Cupcakes a bash? #CookItYourWhey #BulkBakes