Quality Assured! Product Testing

BULK POWDERS™ Quality Series – Part #1

BULK POWDERS™ has always aimed to provide customers with the highest quality products at the cheapest prices. We feel it’s important to communicate our quality processes. As such, we’re going to run a four part feature showing why BULK POWDERS™ offers the highest quality products!

In the first of the series, we focus on protein testing detailing some test results from our independent laboratory.

We aim to be as transparent as possible so that you, the customer, know exactly what you are consuming. This is why we list dosages for all products and provide a full list of ingredients on all our products. Further to this, our products are all blended ‘in house’ in a state of the art clean room facility, ensuring we have full control on the whole quality process including formulas, ingredients and the entire manufacturing process.

Here at BULK POWDERS™ we have taken things a step further in order to provide you with this high quality, transparent service. Samples of our products across the ranges and flavours are consistently sent to an independent laboratory for analysis. This independent laboratory conducts a variety of tests for us. One of the most common tests is nitrogen analysis, to test for the protein content.

The process of testing follows a simple and methodical process. First of all, we retain a sample from the batch of product built at BULK POWDERS™ HQ in our state of the art clean room facility. The sample is then sent off to our independent laboratory where the product is analysed. Products aren’t released for sale until we get satisfactory results back from the laboratory.

Nitrogen testing

Nitrogen analysis is a test which aims to establish the protein content by measuring the nitrogen levels within the sample provided. The results will show a nitrogen score which can be interpreted as follows: the higher the result of the nitrogen analysis, the higher the protein content.

As an example of the results you can expect to see, Pure Whey Protein™ Unflavoured is 82% protein on dry matter – simply, the protein content when the moisture is removed. The ‘as is’ figure is around 78% – therefore, with nitrogen analysis, you’d expect to see a figure around 78%.

The one flaw with nitrogen analysis is that it doesn’t differentiate between different amino acids. As such, there are various other tests that we employ such as Amino Acid analysis. However, the costs of these tests are twenty times the cost of nitrogen analysis, so the frequency of testing is less (otherwise the cost of protein would increase by several pounds per kilogram).

We also send products away to be tested for carbohydrate and fat content (Group One nutritionals), to ensure that you get accurate information.

Posting the results

This testing process has been on-going for quite some time; the difference is that we’re now going to start actively posting the results on our website. This will enable you to view the independently tested protein content of different products and flavours.

The results will be displayed on the certificate provided by our independent laboratory so that you have complete confidence in the results.

Please be aware that results may differ between batches and between flavours due to differences in flavouring systems and the differing inclusions of these flavouring systems.

Supplements you can trust

We hope to demonstrate that we consistently provide you with the highest quality products over time, solidifying your trust in us as a high quality, honest and transparent supplement provider.

The results we have had from the laboratory so far have supported our claims of consistent high quality products. Focusing on our Pure Whey Protein™ range, we have the following results:

Pure Whey Protein™

– Pure Whey Protein™ Vanilla: 77.96%
– Pure Whey Protein™ Banana: 76.88%
– Pure Whey Protein™ Strawberry: 76.88%
– Pure Whey Protein™ Chocolate: 75.09%

Pure Whey Isolate™ 90

– Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 Vanilla: 87.53%
– Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 Banana: 86.7%
– Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 Strawberry: 86.32%
– Pure Whey Isolate™ 90 Chocolate: 84.54%

The reason chocolate (and chocolate variants) are a little lower is due to the cocoa content (this is industry standard). However, rest assured you’re still getting a quality product.

Looking at competitor chocolate products, the typical protein figure given is a ball park 5-8% less than unflavoured. In reality, this could be as low as 69-70% protein. We’re delighted that our chocolate product has been independently tested at 75%.

We feel we’ve taken the process of transparency a step further, through independent analysis of our products. We’re also unique in that we’re happy to show tests results of chocolate flavours, which are typically lower than the others.

Look out next month for the second part of our Quality Series!

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