We’ve all been there. We’ve had a long day at college, university or work and we just don’t feel like we have the energy to go to the gym and train. It’s very easy to say I’m too tired and choose not to go to the gym, but if you can find the energy to train, it’s these moments that will set you apart from other gym goers out there when it comes to making real progress.
How To Find The Energy To Train
There are a number of ways to boost your energy levels, so let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to make sure you have the energy to train.
More Sleep
If you’re training regularly then it’s even more important that you get 6-8 hours sleep a night to help your body recover and to give you the energy required to feel fresh and perform at your best the next day.
So many of us are now constantly on our mobile phones and probably spend a lot of time using them before bed. This can ruin your quality of sleep as the light emitted from the screen prevents your brain from releasing melatonin. It’s this hormone that tells your body it’s time for sleep.
Make sure you’re not just getting 6-8 hours sleep, but also that it’s good quality sleep, as this will help you to feel energised the next day.
Caffeine is often the go to ingredient for people wishing to energise themselves. Most people will start their day with a cup of coffee in the morning, and probably have quite a few cups during the day.
The thing with caffeine is your body can become resistant to it and this means that if you’re regularly having a high amount of caffeine on a daily basis then you will need more and more to feel the effects.
A standard cup of coffee contains about 95mg of caffeine. It is recommended that you do not consume more than 400mg of caffeine on a daily basis, which equates to around 4 cups of coffee. If you’re finding yourself consuming more than 4 cups of coffee a day on a regular basis then you may need to consider cutting your caffeine intake.
Consuming high amounts of caffeine regularly will lessen the effects, meaning if you rely on caffeine to energise you before a workout then it may be less effective. Cut back on your caffeine consumption throughout the day and save it for when you most need it.
The body’s main source of energy comes from carbohydrates, but you need to consider what type of carbohydrates you’re consuming.
Fast carbs will be digested and absorbed quickly causing a spike in your energy levels for a short period of time. Slow carbs will be slowly digested and absorbed over an extended period of time, which will help to fuel your body with energy throughout the day.
For this reason, slow carbs should make up the majority of the carbohydrates in your diet. Some examples of slow carbs are oats, brown rice and sweet potatoes. Eating these carbohydrate sources will also help you to feel full, which can help you avoid unhealthy snacking. They will also help to stop you feeling tired throughout the day as you will avoid the ‘energy crash’ associated with fast carbs like white pasta, white potatoes and cereal.
Make sure your diet consists mostly of slow carbs to avoid feeling tired and lethargic later in the day, which can stop you from wanting to work out. If you’re fuelling your body in the right way then you can maximise your performance.
Take Home Message
Hopefully these tips will help you to feel more energised for your workout. Sometimes just making small changes, like setting more time aside for sleep or switching white potatoes for sweet potatoes, can make a big difference to how your body functions on a daily basis. Improve your energy levels and never feel too tired to workout!
About the Author:
Alex Genzel is passionate about health and fitness having been involved in a number of competitive sports from an early age. He has been writing about sports nutrition and training for a number of years, alongside pursuing his passion for bodybuilding and desire to become a certified personal trainer. As well as writing for BULK POWDERS® Alex also has his own blog where he shares his training experiences and advice on supplements.