From Art teacher in Oldham to bikini competitor and now health-and-fitness guru, Sophie’s friendly face, bubbly personality and relatable content has gained her over half a million Instagram followers. We sat down with our brand-new ambassador to find out more about her journey into the fitness world.
When did you first get into fitness?
About six years ago I started going to the gym, but I would just stay on the cross trainer for 30 minutes and read a magazine because I was so intimidated by the weights area.
Then, I started dating someone who competed in bodybuilding competitions and learnt more about nutrition and started lifting weights. I went along to one of his competitions and I remember thinking the women on stage in the bikini competition were incredible! I said to myself the year after I would be up on that stage. I went on to win the UKBFF North West Championships two years running after that.
What made you realise you didn’t want to compete anymore?
It was my mum – she didn’t like me doing the competitions. She told me after one competition that I was losing friends as I would never go out and socialise. It just clicked after that that I wasn’t healthy and happy.
How do you approach your health now?
I’m totally flexible with my eating and I don’t track my calories or macros on an app anymore.
It’s about finding a weight you feel confident and comfortable with – I’m now 10kg heavier than when I competed, but so much happier in my own skin.
How do you look after your mental health?
I’ve really started to make my mental health a priority this year. Like many people my mental health is up and down, but that’s the world we live in today. I’ve come to learn that happiness isn’t a given, it’s something you have to work on every day.
What are your goals for the rest of 2019?
I want to go into schools to talk about social media and how to build a brand. I think it’s really important that kids learn early on about the reality of the internet and social.
What are your favourite Bulk products?
Every day I mix the Vegan Series Protein Powder in with oats and berries for breakfast. I love the white chocolate and coconut flavour. Most days I’ll have the cookies and cream Macro Munch, too. It’s so delicious!
Follow Sophie on Instagram – @sophie_aris
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