Get the most out of every session with a well-stocked kit bag!
You’ve been dreaming about tonight’s training session all day. Sat at your desk, you’ve planned every set. You blast your favourite training tunes in the car on the way to the gym.
Now imagine arriving at the gym, setting up… only to realise that you’re missing an essential bit of kit. There’s nothing worse than having to dial back because you haven’t got the fuel, the lifting kit, or the clothing.
It’s time to make sure your gym bag is kitted out – and what better time than January. Here are 10 essentials you should be adding to your basket.
1.) Complete Pre-Workout Gels™ for a convenient pre workout on the go
Sometimes you need an extra help to get fired up for a session. Keep a few of our Complete Pre-Workout Gels™ in your kit bag, and you can get a boost – with no need to mix a pre workout or add water. Take your pre workout gel in the car, or as you’re walking in to the gym. They contain natural stimulants including Citrulline Malate, Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Taurine, Beta Alanine, and Caffeine for a sustained energy boost plus mental focus. They even help reduce RPE and fatigue so you have an amazing session.
2.) Half Gallon Water Bottle for proper hydration
Be honest, do you drink enough before and during your training sessions? Those tiny water bottles just don’t cut it. Grab yourself a half gallon water bottle and you’ll be able to hydrate properly. Use it for water, for your intra-workout, or for BCAAs. Whatever fuels your session the best.
3.) Instant BCAA for amino acids during training
BCAAs are branched chain amino acids – the three most important amino acids for protecting muscle mass and offsetting catabolism. Instant BCAA powder is the most convenient (and refreshing) way to get more of these key aminos in. You could also choose BCAA tablets if you prefer. But for refreshing taste and extra hydration, Instant BCAAs are the one.
4.) Pure Whey Protein™ for post-workout
You’ll need some protein after your session. If you go straight from the gym to the office or college, or if your next meal isn’t for a couple of hours, drink whey protein after training. Our Pure Whey Protein™ is our best selling flagship whey protein: pure, simple, with a reliable high protein content and wide spectrum of amino acids. Plus a huge array of amazing flavours! If it’s not convenient to mix a protein shake after training, keep a few of our RTD whey drinks handy.
5.) Liquid Chalk for chalk without the mess
Most gyms don’t encourage chalk in the free weights area, and some ban it altogether. But if you’re lifting heavy, you don’t want you grip to let you down. There’s a simple solution: keep a bottle of liquid chalk in your kit bag. Liquid chalk dries instantly without leaving any chalky residue over the floor or bars, yet it works just like loose chalk to help your grip on heavy moves like deadlifts. It’s a must (plus it lasts for ages!)
6.) Elbow and/or Knee Sleeves to protect your joints
Sleeves aren’t just for high level Powerlifters. They come in handy for anyone who wants to protect their knees and elbows. Sometimes you might just want to keep your joints warm. Or maybe you’re protecting a niggle. Whatever the reason, elbow and knee sleeves are a useful bit of kit to have. Ours are 7mm thick for knee sleeves and 5mm thick for elbow sleeves: comfortable, but sturdy and reliable.
7.) Heart Rate Monitor to track your data
If you’re a power athlete, training for endurance sport, or want to know how many calories you’ve burned, wearing a heart rate monitor will give you valuable data. You could wear a simple HR monitor which tracks your heart rate during training, or opt for a more sophisticated bit of kit which stores a variety of data points. Choose a heart rate monitor that’s relevant to your training and goals.
8.) Lifting Shoes for better squats
If you’re serious about squatting, consider investing in squat shoes. These sturdy shoes have an elevated heel built in, to put you in an optimal position for great form and depth. You will probably also find that you feel your squats more in your quads (because your heels are elevated). You don’t need to buy super-expensive squat shoes. Entry-level ones are fine; look after them and they will last for a long time.
9.) Lifting Straps for pulling and rowing
A good pair of lifting straps will last you a lifetime of lifting. Straps help you with pulling exercises, including pull ups, lat pull downs, bent over rows, and RDLs. An absolute must for any lifter’s gym bag.
10.) Training Log to record it all
Finally, what gym bag is complete without a log book. You could record your sessions on your phone, but the best way has to be a log book and pen. Use it to plan sessions, record weights, and look back on your progress. Just don’t forget it!
What’s in your kit bag?
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