Give your libido a leg-up with these 3 supplements
Maca powder
Slightly sweet, earthy and a little bit nutty. If that describes you then maca powder may well be your perfect libido-boosting supplement partner. It’s a low-GI carbohydrate, ideal for adding to smoothies, protein shakes or mixing into oatmeal or Greek yoghurt. Made from 100% natural maca root, maca powder is part of the “superfood” family, and thought to have noticeable benefits for healthy hormone levels. It’s a great source of protein, too – 12g per 100g – with all the amino acids represented. Men and women both love maca for its energy boosting properties, and high levels of zinc, iron and key vitamins. Add it to your Valentine’s Day smoothie and see how the day unfolds….
If you train hard, chances are you’re deficient in zinc, magnesium, or both. Make ZMA a regular feature of your nighttime supplementation and feel the benefits – in the gym and out of it! Most people almost immediately feel the benefits of ZMA (zinc l-monomethionine and magnesium) for sleep quality and training recovery. But it’s also a powerful natural supplement for helping with hormone production. And, as we all know, when hormones are balanced and optimised, we’re firing on all cylinders. Men in particular can suffer the effects of zinc deficiency (supplementing with foods rich in zinc, such as oysters, is a centuries old libido-boosting lad tip!) Proper levels of zinc in the body help t-production. Look for a ZMA supplement with added vitamin B6 – it helps the absorption of the key minerals in the supplement.
Bulbine natalensis
One for the guys, bulbine natalensis a South African herb which is thought to offer useful support to healthy male hormones and libido levels. In South Africa, it’s known as rooiwortel and ibhucu. There’s not a great deal of clinic research on it just yet, but indigenous people have used it for centuries to boost hormones, increase libido and ultimately improve sexual performance in men. Folklore, animal studies, and anecdotal observations certainly make bulbine natalensis one to watch as a natural t-booster. Anything which can raise t-levels could result in more strength, better muscle gain, faster recovery from training… and more endurance and sex drive. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, is this one to add to your stack?
About the Author
Nicola Joyce has been writing for (and about) sport, fitness, nutrition and healthy living since 2004. She’s also a keen sportswoman: her background is in endurance sport but she now competes as a natural bodybuilder, most recently winning a world title with the INBF. When she’s not writing content, she can be found blogging at Follow her on Facebook & Twitter (@thefitwriter) too.